Barcode Search's database of over 1 billion affiliate products and 16k+ merchants can be searched in a single query.
This database can be searched by numerous attributes including product name, brand, color, and description.
For specific products, a barcode search is often the most effective and useful method.
You can find a barcode by searching for a product using any attribute. If a barcode is available for the product, you will see it directly under the product name.
You can then click on the barcode to search for only products that match that barcode.
Many merchants will also list the barcode right on their website in the product’s description. In this case, you can simply enter the barcode directly into the search bar.
A barcode search will populate your search results with all the merchants that are currently offering that exact product.

This allows you to instantly compare product availability, prices, commission rates, and deals across the merchants you work with, helping you identify the best options.
To discover even more merchants selling the exact product, toggle over to Unapproved Merchants.
This feature reveals which merchants you don't currently work with who also are offering a product matching the barcode you searched for.
Instantly viewing every merchant selling the product, along with their associated information, can help you make an informed decision about which to promote.
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