Find Exact Product Matches aggregates and normalizes product data from over 16,000 merchants worldwide, creating opportunities to find where a specific product is sold across merchants.
By leveraging barcodes, including UPC, EAN, GTIN, and ISBN, exact products can be matched across these thousands of merchants.
When the product dataset is queried using a barcode, the results will return the merchants in which that specific product is available.

For example, this exact speaker can be found across 27 different merchants.
This provides a detailed insights into where a product is sold, its pricing across merchants, available discounts, and also enables the ability to generate Price Comparison Sets.
The returned results can continued to be refined to find the most relevant matches for this specific product.
For example, filter the results to show only the merchants which currently have the product on sale.

Or, filter results to show only the merchants listing prices in your chosen currency, such as USD, CAD, or AUD.

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