Q1 2024 New Merchants

We're excited to announce the rapid expansion of our product catalog thus far in 2024!
In Q1 2024, we added ~17M products from ~1,300 merchants.
With the addition of these new products, our extensive database now includes 1,014,864, 566 products, spanning hundreds of product categories.
Let’s take a closer look:
January 2024
387 new merchants were integrated onto Affiliate.com in January. These merchants include RS Components Ltd (UK), Zoro (UK), Recambioscoches (ES), Copenhagen Kid (US), City Beach (US), EXO Drones (US), Oral B (US), Vivas (DK).
The merchants span across 20 different affiliate networks and include offers in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Sweden, UK, and US.
Collectively, these merchants helped add 7,530,516 new offers to the affiliate.com platform.
February 2024
397 new merchants were integrated onto Affiliate.com in February. These merchants include Disney Store (US), The North Face (NL), Chewy (CA), AEG (NL), Bosch (SE), Nokia (NL), Hummelsport (DE), Bike World (CH), Bels (DK).
The merchants span across 18 different affiliate networks and include offers in Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and US.
Collectively, these merchants helped add 1,540,090 new offers to the affiliate.com platform.
March 2024
499 new merchants were integrated onto Affiliate.com in March. These merchants include Art.com (US), Sennheiser (AU), adidas (NL), Reebok (PL), Focus Camera (US), WWE (US), Samsung (US), Knives.com (US).
The merchants span across 19 different affiliate networks and include offers in Australia, Austria, Brazil, Czechia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and US.
Collectively, these merchants helped add 7,599,178 new offers to the affiliate.com platform.
We're looking forward to partnering with even more merchants and continuing to add new offers.
If you are a merchant and would like to be added to Affiliate.com (for free!) let us know!