Buy Button Customizations

Snippets on are customizable and can be tailored to your preferred style.
The Button section includes all the elements needed to configure the Buy Buttons in your Snippets. This includes customizing the text, color, size and more.

Change Text
Enter custom text or use variables such as price and merchant, which will be automatically populated with the relevant information. For example: "{{price}} from {{merchant}}," "Buy at {{merchant}}," etc. would translate to "$139.99 from PGA Tour Superstore" or "Buy at PGA Tour Superstore."

Change Button Color
Select a custom color for the Buy Buttons in the Snippet.

Add Gradient
Add two colors to the Buy Buttons in the Snippet to create a gradient effect.

Change Text Color
Select a custom color for the Buy Buttons text.

Change Text Size
Select a size for the Buy Buttons text.